Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Merapi Volcano Expo 2016 di BPPTKG Yogyakarta

Pada hari Rabu yang lalu, tanggal 14 Desember 2016 adalah moment yang sangat berharga yaitu  digelarnya acara Merapi Volcano Expo 2016 oleh Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi ( PVMBG ) bersama Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi ( BPPTKG ) Yogyakarta.

Acara ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka launching buku data Geokimia Gunung Merapi Indonesia. Selain itu juga diadakan open house dari tanggal 14 Desember sampai dengan tanggal 23 desember 2016. Dalam open house ini pengunjung diperbolehkan melihat alat – alat dan sistem pemantauan aktivitas Gunung Merapi di ruang monitoring BPPTKG . Di ruang monitoring pengunjung juga bisa bertanya secara detail mengenai fungsi dan sistem yang digunakan kepada petugas dari BPPTKG.

Tidak hanya itu, pengunjung pun dapat melihat sejarah letusan Gunung Merapi, jenis batuan dan alat – alat yang dahulu pernah digunakan dan saat ini disimpan di ruang eksposisi.Selain itu pengunjung maupun masyarakat juga dapat melihat sketsa Gunung Merapi.Pengunjung pun juga bisa bertanya langsung kepada petugas. Hal ini bisa dijadikan sebagai edukasi bagi masyarakat.

Dalam acara Merapi Volcano Expo 2016 juga diadakan diskusi dan dialog dengan para ahli gunung api, BPBD DIY, Forum Pengurangan Resiko Bencana ( FPRB ), relawan, komunitas blogger, jurnalis dan masyarakat umum. Acara ini juga menghadirkan pembicara ahli Vulkanologi Mbah Rono.  Dalam diskusi dan dialog ini mengangkat topik yang berkaitan dengan berita hoax  tentang kebencanaan yang selalu muncul setiap terjadi bencana di Indonesia. Jadi jika terjadi bencana di Indonesia selama ini  berita hoax akan sangat cepat menyebar luas ke masyarakat dengan melalui berbagai media terutama sosial media seperti facebook, twitter, bbm, whatsapp, line  ataupun sms.Tentu saja berita hoax atau berita palsu ini akan meresahkan dan masyarakat dibuat panik dengan berita hoax yang tidak pasti kebenarannya.

Adapun ciri ciri berita hoax  yaitu :
  •  Berita terkesan  sensasional atau heboh, membuat yang membaca berita langsung         bereaksi setelah membaca berita itu.
  •  Isinya sering bertentangan dengan logika umum dan ilmu penegetahuan bisa juga terdapat kontradiksi dengan fakta yang sudah umum diketahui.
  •  Sering menggunakan istilah yang terkesan ilmiah, yang memanfaatkan ketidaktahuan  pembaca.
  •   Menggunakan kalimat yang terkesan mendorong  pembaca untuk menyebarluaskan pesan tersebut.
  • Pengirim berita tidak jelas identitasnya, tidak ada link sumber informasi.

Untuk mengantisipasi agar berita hoax ini tidak menyebar luas masyarakat perlu waspada apabila mendapat pesan hoax  / berita hoax yang  biasanya bersifat heboh / sensasional, hendaknya membaca berita tsb dengan cermat dan teliti, jika berita tersebut memang hoax dan berdampak kecil kita bisa menyetopnya dengan tidak menyebarkan berita tsb, tapi bila berdampak besar, meresahkan dan bikin panik masyarakat  maka sikap kita adalah membantu menciptakan suasana kondusif kembali melalui upaya pembuktian kebenaran berita tersebut ke masyarakat.

Langkah – langkah mencari kebenaran informasi adalah sebagai berikut :
  •   Kita harus tahu siapa yang menyebarkan berita tsb dan sumber berita tesebut darimana.  
  •  Mencari tahu informasi tsb kepada pihak yang mengetahui betul berita tsb. Kita bisa menghubungi langsung melalui akun sosmed yang dimiliki, atau situs webnya yang terkait dengan berita tersebut agar mendapatkan konfirmasi lebih cepat. Menelpon langsung juga bisa.

Dengan mengetahui sumber berita yang benar dan akurat diharapkan masyarakat tidak lagi panik dengan berita hoak kebencanaan jika terjadi bencana di Indonesia.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Visiting the Floating Restaurants of Jombor Swamp in Klaten Regency, Central Java

The Central Java province is located between the East Java province and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Central Java has the beautiful landscapes which still natural and potential as tourist attractions. No wonder if in the Central Java province has a lot of  tourist attractions that  worthly for  vacation or refreshing. There are  mountain landscape, beach, water spring , waterfall, the  old and historic building such as  museum and temple, the old mosque and  the old church .also unique tourist attraction, such as the floating restaurant in the middle of the swamp.


About two months ago my family and me had vacation to visit tourist attraction in Central Java province especially in Klaten Regency that is  the floating restaurant of Jombor swamp, Its a nature and beautiful swamp.
The floating restaurant of Jombor swamp about 8 km from the capital city of Klaten, it  is located at Krakitan village, Bayat district, Klaten regency , Central Java province. Traveling to the floating restaurant of Jombor Swamp we were starting from Klaten. There are two road routes to get there. The first  is the west route and the other  is the east route. The west route are : Klaten city – three junction of Bendogantungan, Sumberejo village – turn left, towards the south – Danguran village – Glodogan village – Jimbung village –  Jombor swamp.

The east route are : Klaten city – Train station of Klaten – By Pass – turn right, towards the south – Bus station of Klaten – Buntalan village – Jimbung village – Jombor swamp.  Our trip took the east route. On our way we saw some buildings in the villages, rice fields and the trees, Besides that we also saw the activities of people  in village. The weather was bright enough.
Our journey needed about 1 hour to get there, we arrived at the floating restaurant  of Jombor swamp safely. The parking area is wide and  parking guards are quite friendly. Oh yes, to enter  this tourist area we have to pay retribution about five thousand rupiah per person.

Landscape at Jombor swamp is very attractive, the wide  of  the swamp about of ​​180 hectares,  in the middle of swamp there is a row of the floating  restaurants, visitors  can enjoy the culinary especially the freshwater fish such as pomfret, parrot fish, snapper fish, and catfish.Besides that visitor can also enjoy views of the limestone mountain in the background that.  There is a hill its named Sidagora hill and visitor can have climb up the sidagora hill , it takes about 25 minutes to reach the top of the  Sidagora hill. In the top of Sidagora, visitor can view beauty landscape including the floating restaurants of Jombor swamp. Unfortunately my family and me did not take  time to climb up the Sidagora hill.

It was time we toward the floating restaurants  in the middle of the Jombor swamp. To get there we used the raft. This raft made of bamboo or wood that are assembled and under raft be put the drums in order the raft can float, then the raft will be pulled with  a rope  by the raft operator. Yes the  tourists / visitors to get to the floating restaurants in the middle of the swamp using the raft.
We got on the raft be pulled by the raft operator. How a fun to ride the raft we felt we were walking on water.

Finally we reached at the floating restaurants. Here visitors can order a variety of dishes of fresh fish. While was waiting for our order we could fishing at the side of the floating restaurant, we did not need confusing because did  not bring  a fishing pole,  the floating restaurants  have already provided fishing tools completely. Besides that visitors could ride on the small boat around the swamp with a cost of 10 thousand rupiah per person. By the small boat we could enjoy the panorama around the Jombor swamp more perfect and beautiful,  we could also felt the gentle breeze, its cool. Here is  a great place to take the picture or photo the landscape of Jombor swamp. The wide swamp be decorated  with water hyacinth plants and a lotus flower  as well as the floating restaurants appear in front of the eyes and a row of trees along the hill so gorgeous.

Not felt the time was so fast, the freshwater fish dishes that our ordered has been served at the dining table and the time foe  eating a meal. What a delicious the foods which we ordered, there were grilled fish and fried fish with sauce and vegetables moreover we  enjoyed eating at the floating  restaurant in the middle of the swamp in the outdoor. It was a beautiful moment and fun.

If the readers want to travel in the region of Central Java do not forget to visit the floating restaurants of Jombor swamp It is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Klaten regency, Central Java.

Note : This article for contest BLOG of Visit Central Java Region in 2016 , organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Central Java @VisitJawaTengah (www.twitter.com/visitjawatengah);

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Pineapple Soup

The pineapple is a fruit which rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, beta carotene, amino acid, less fat and cholesterol. It is  high in fiber, too. The pineapple is very suitable for keep of health and beauty. The pineapple that taste  sweet acidity  shake tongue so arousing the appetite. The pineapple fruit can be purchased at the market or fruit store.

The pineapple can be processed into a variety of cuisines. It is suitable for dessert menu. Well, I will share how to cook pineapple soup, the recipe is as follows :

Ingredients :
-   2 pieces of pineapple
-   200 grams of sugar
-   1 teaspoon of salt
-   Cloves 8 items
-   2  pieces of pandan leaves
-  Water 700 ml

Cooking direction :
1. Peel the pineapple from the skin and then cut the pineapple into small size 2 cm.
2. Put 700 ml of water  into the pan then add the pineapple, sugar, salt, cloves and pandan leaves.
3. Boil a pan that containing the ingredients over medium heat, cook up to 30 minutes,
4. Lift the pan and serve of pineapple soup

It is easy to cook pineapple soup, isn’t it?  Please try cooking this recipe.

Senin, 18 Juli 2016

7 Signs of High Cholesterol in the Blood

High cholesterol in the blood could cause various diseases in our body such as high blood pressure, coronary cardiac and stroke. Without realize the cases, there are still a lot of people  who ignore it, and suddenly people who get suffering from high cholesterol in acute conditions. Well, I will share 7 signs of high cholesterol in the blood so that the readers can know that clearly.

 7 Signs of high cholesterol in the blood which are as follows ;

1. Pins and Needless
Often feel pins and needless in hands, feet or a specific body part is a sign of the blood flow is not smooth so there are  nerves which do not get supply the blood and oxygen  sufficiently. One of causes the blood flow is not smooth is the cholesterol.

2. Dizziness in the Head behind
Dizziness or  the head back feels heavy to watch out, it could be due to high cholesterol. Cholesterol causes blockage of the blood vessels around the head. If left unchecked, it could result in rupture of blood vessels that causes stroke.

3. Stiffness in the Nape of the Neck or the Shoulder
Shoulder and nape ached could be due to lack of oxygen and blood on these areas, and due to the buildup of cholesterol. Therefore, do to overcome it immediately.
4. Pain in the Foot
The leg feels pain could be a sign of high cholesterol. Cholesterol causes blockage of the arteries so that blood flow to the leg  hampered.

5. Easy to get Sleepy
Frequent yawning occurs due to lack of oxygen supply to the brain. Often getting sleepy unnatural  may be due to the buildup of cholesterol that clogs blood vessels so that supply  oxygen to the brain can not be optimal.

6. Nail Color Change
Nail color is not normally as sign of high cholesterol. Disruption of blood circulation causes the nail does not get enough the blood supply so that there will be changes that can be recognized easily, namely: nails thicken and slower growth.

7. Have Cramp at Night
Cramp in some of the body be caused of high cholesterol. It can be felt at night after wake  up, namely: cramp in the leg, ankle, foot and more. The pain will disappear  itself when you move the body.

If you feel the signs above, immediately do effort the treatment correcty in order not to disturb your health condition.

Kamis, 30 Juni 2016


Dodi had a problem. He went to Didi, his work mate, to discuss the solution.
Dodi : " I am so confused right now. I must decide whether I choose Rina or Hana. You know, Rina is         prettier, but Hana is richer."
Didi : " Don't be confused! It's simple problem. Just choose Rina. She is more pretty and more smart than     Hana, isn't she?"
Dodi : " Hmmm....I think I agree with you. Thanks Didi for your advice."
Didi : " You are welcome. But.....by the way, can you tell me Hana's address?"
Dodi : ????? What for?

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Getting Reward Gift from Toluna

How pleasant if we get a gift.

I would like share my experience to all readers on this blog.
Well, a couple of days ago, I got a reward gift from Toluna. It is the second time I received a reward gift from Toluna.

What is Toluna? Toluna is an online, paid, survey community and also  a survey panel, where we can take surveys for money or other gifts.
The reward gift can be redeemed as money, or gift cards, such giant voucher, carrefour voucher, hypermart voucher etc.

So I redeemed the reward gift  in the form of money .
I took an online survey by joining  Toluna. After I registered, I filled in a blank form and submitted it, then Toluna accepted me as member. 

Joining Toluna is free. When Toluna has online surveys, it sends an invitation email to all Toluna members, asking them to take and complete the online surveys.
To answer some questions, and share our thoughts ( opinion ) on an online survey, takes around 15 – 20 minutes. It is easy and simple.

Sometimes we are commanded to watch a video about a product on the survey, then we share our opinion about it. After we finish completing an online survey, we get market points directly. Then we can redeem them into a reward gift.

I usually take and complete an online survey by either a PC or android mobile. And I redeem my market points as a reward gift if the market points accumulate a lot,  then i choose the reward gift in the form of money.

Are you interested in getting reward gifts from Toluna as I did? Yeah, everybody can join Toluna.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Sleeping Pills

The doctor advised the patient's wife, "Your husband should have a rest. I'm going to prescribe these sleeping pills."
     "Thank you, Doctor," thanked the wife. "When should I give them to him?"
     "Oh, no!" replied the doctor. "I don't want you to give them to him. I want you to take them yourself so that you will fall asleep, stop talking, and leave your husband undisturbed."