Kamis, 19 November 2009

A Long Journey to be Healthy

Like a trip, health is a long journey which we take as long as we live.
Anybody who chooses a healthy way of life not only prepares well for the future well, but also enjoys life much better . The following are tips to live a healthy life.

A. Good Habits
To have a good health is not difficult. The difficulty is the shaping of healthy habits.
A simple example is the smoking habit. Even those who know about the disadvantages of smoking cannot leave this bad habit easily. It is easier to change a bad habit than to leave it all together.
If we have the smoking habit, for instance, it is better for us to change the habit by chewing fresh fruit.

B. Good Nutrition
Consuming good and nutritious food every day does not only make our body healthy but also give us sufficient energy for our daily activities. Much of our health is influenced by the food we consume. Therefor, if we consider our health important, we should have a positive attitude towards the food we eat. Consequently, we should be able to manage our own menu, choose good and nutritious meals, eat a balanced diet, and control ourselves so that we do not consume too much food.

C. Relationships and Feelings
Our relationships with people who are close to us can make our life healthy or damage our health. A good relationships with others is an influential factor to make us healthy. On the other hand, a bad relationship is a factor which can damage our health. A good relationship with others, such as friends and family members, and even pets and plants, has a good influenceon our health.
Our feeling can also influence our health. Feeling sad and being isolated, for example, can make us physically tired. In such condition, our body will change a certain chemical substance which can cause a predisposition to poor health. The latest psychological research done by Pinko L. Graves and Jhon W. Shaffer at Jhon Hopkins University, School of Medicine also proves that feeling is an influential factor to make us healthy or sick. According to the research, people who constantly feel lonely and show bad temper and engaged in negative thinking might possibly suffer from cancer at some future time.

D. Rest and Relaxation
Air, water and food, are the sources of fuel for our body. While we are doing our activities, our muscles, joints and minds are busy. Relaxation and rest give them time to be free from their tasks. Rest and relaxation are important factors to gather new energy that we need to do the next activities.
Sleeping at night is an example of a perfect rest. Self - healing happens while we are sleeping. When we sleep, our bodies prepare for future activities and repair the damaged cells.

E. Activities and Sports
Both activities and sports involve the muscle of he body.
Most of our daily activities need the involvement of our muscles. We need exercises to keep our strength in balance. Those who exercise regularly will have a fit body, mental alertness, and a calmer attitude. Sports indeed have many advantages; these include a good stamina, more energy, a better body shape, a calm mind, healthy heart and lungs, and a longer life.

Senin, 16 November 2009

Does the Dog Know?

Budi and Iwan went to Tuti's house.
After arriving there, Budi rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door.
Suddenly, Tuti's big dog appeared and barked at Budi and Iwan fiercely.
Both Budi and Iwan were scarred.
" Calm down," said Budi, gathering his courage. "My father told me that when we meet a fierce dog , we should squat, then the dog will run away."
" Oh, yeah, sure!" said Iwan in a trembling voice.
" Has your father told the dog about it?

Rabu, 11 November 2009


Entah mengapa kini kurasakan
Betapa kau sangat berarti bagiku
Kenangan - kenangan indah bersamamu
Tak kan pernah kulupakan

Ada getar perasaan aneh di hatiku
Mungkinkah engkau juga merasakannya.......?

Kini kumelihat kau cukup jauh dariku
Tapi apa arti semua itu...........?

Minggu, 08 November 2009


Bila hatimu sebening air
Jangan biarkan jadi keruh
Bila hatimu seputih awan
Jangan biarkan diselimuti mendung
Bila hatimu secerah bulan
Hiasilah dengan iman

Selasa, 03 November 2009


Every organization needs a good leader, but not all people have qualities to become a leader.
Some people think that the leader's job is in getting work done by other people, or in getting people work for you when they are under no obligation to do so, etc. No matter what point we start from in a discussion of leadership, we inevitably reach the conclusion that the art of being a leader is the art of developing people.

Whilst it is true that those in authority can be trained and educated for their tasks, they must have certain qualities which can be developed for effective leadership.

A. Basic Qualities
1. Understanding
A leader must try to understand people and their behaviors, why they react in different ways and have diverse needs.

2. Ability to enlist cooperation
The striving, planning and working towards a common goal must be a united effort based on mutual respect.

3. Ability to delegate
Those who cannot delegate will never be successful leaders. Not only do they become overwhelmed and incapable of performing their true functions, they also deprive others of opportunity and of finding satisfaction in their work.

4. Wisdom
Wise judgement and the ability to make decisions are vital and justice can never be separated from judgement. The leader needs courage, knowledge, facts and must have the wisdom to make wise decisions.

B. Personal Qualities
1. Self control and self respect.
The leader who understands himself is in a position to exercise self control.
This understanding does not mean introspection, but the ability to recognize his own weakness and be sufficiently humble to conduct himself with poise and serenity which in turn produces self-respect.

2. Beliefs and values.
The personality of the individual will influence the quality of leadership.
Beliefs, values and attitudes are part of the make up of people and can influence the whole of their conducts.

3. Moral courage and determination.
One of the most important function of a leader is to give support in times of stress, giving the encouragement and sympathy that is needed in order to progress through a period of trial or strain.

4. Sense of humor.
This is a great asset. There are few occasions which can not be lightened by cheerful counenance and frequently there is room for optimism. Leadership should be enjoyed and it should contact with people with the possibility of happiness depending on how the person looks at the situation.

If all these qualities are considered together, they will be found in a person whose character is harmony, someone who posses through self-knowledge and appreciation of the needs of others, a balanced objective outlook which can control and direct a situation and bring out the best in them.