Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

To Prevent Lips Cracked and Dry

Lips is something interesting on the face. The healthy and attractive lips will support the beauty of the face. The lips cracked caused dry and lack of vitamins.
To prevent lips cracked and dry please do the following:

1. Use Lipsbalm that contain sunscreens and moisturizers, because the sun one factor causes dry lips. Choose a lipstick that contains a moisturizer or emollient. If lips dry wet with water.

2. Drink 8 glasses of water every day because it will prevent dehydration which makes the lips dry and cracked. Consuming vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C, B, E & minerals. Do not smoke because it can cause black lips.

3. Apply moisturizer at night, and do the massage on the lips with olive oil.
When it was all done on a regular so it will look beautiful on the lips.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Ke Mana Kita Harus Berjalan

Kita lahir di dunia ini pada awalnya dalam keadaan suci dan juga tidak mengenakan apa – apa, tidak membawa apa – apa hanya badan dan jiwa tanpa dosa. Dan dalam keadaan telanjang. Begitu juga nanti di akhir hidup kita akan kembali ke asal nya dalam keadaan tidak membawa apa – apa, harta dan benda tidak akan dibawa begitu pula pangkat dan jabatan tidak akan dibawa juga.

Dalam perputaran waktu setiap orang akan menentukan jalan hidupnya. Jalan hidup yang mereka tempuh berbeda – beda. Ada yang menempuh jalan hidupnya dengan kesenangan dan berfoya – foya,ada yang menempuh jalan hidup mengikuti air mengalir dan menyesuaikan keadaan, ada yang menempuh jalan hidupnya mengikuti hati nurani.

Jalan manakah yang seharusnya kita tempuh. Kita harus memilih jalan hidup yang lurus yaitu jalan keseimbangan dan kemoderatan di dalam segala urusan, dan keterjauhan dari segala bentuk ekstrimitas. Di mana jalan hidup yang tidak menyimpang dari norma sosial dan norma agama. Sehingga hidup kita dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan.

Hendaknya kita selalu memohon petunjuk dan pertolongan Tuhan dalam melangkah agar tidak terjebak hal – hal negative yang menyesatkan. Dengan begitu hidup kita akan terasa nyaman dan damai.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


One day Mr. Indra visited the house of his working friend in a village.
To welcome Mr Indra, Mrs. Dirja presented a cup of tea and snacks. While Mrs. Dirja’s servant was busy preparing something in the kitchen.
Bu Dirja : "Inem, come here!"
Inem : "Yes madam, what is there that need be helped."
Bu Dirja : "Yes. Try to step back and catch chicken in cage."
Inem : "Okay, Madam."
Mr. Indr : "Do not bother Mrs Dirja, just drink it alone."
Bu Dirja : "Chicken is not to be cooked Pak Indra, but I told her catch it for sale on the market."
Mr. Indra :??

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Attending Mujahadah Kubro

A month ago, precisely on December 25, 2010 I attended Mujahadah Kubro (Common Prayer) at Pondok Pesantren Kedonglo Kediri in the framework of the birth anniversary Sholawat Wahidiyah. Sholawat is useful to calm of bad feelling and makrifat billah (conscious of Allah SWT wa Rasullihi SAW).
Events Mujahadah kubro lasted for 4 days and was attended by thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people from all over the country. Mujahadah kubro filled with dhikr and prayer, spiritual enlightenment & a advice from a Caregiver and Boarding Schools Struggle Wahidiyah Kedonglo namely Hadrotul Mukarom Romo KH Abdul Latif Madjid, RA.
The highlight of the evening of December 26, 2010, participants enthusiastically packed the Mujahadah location to take mujahadah and listening to spiritual enlightenment and a advice from him. More and more enthusiastic they took mujahadah in night. Tear loose from their eyelids when Hadrotul Mukarom Romo KH Abdul Latif Madjid, RA gave a advice. Tears flowed break tonight to get the love of the Divine. With regret feeling and remembering all their sins to get forgiveness. As every lover of Allah to pass and reach it. With following the way of Allah lover hoping to best of life in this world.
Desperately needed enlightenment and spiritual guidance for every member to achieve a peaceful life, peaceful and happy.

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011


Keep the five cases before the coming five cases:
1. The period of your life before your death comes.
2. The period of your health before your sickness comes.
3. Your leisure before the coming period of narrow.
4. Your youth before your old age comes.
5. Your rich period before the coming period of poor