Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

How to Eradicate Cockroach

Who does not know a cockroach?
Cockroach included in animal group insect.
These insects   very like in damp and dirty place, especially place where there is cast-offs.
When in our house there is a cockroach would disturb the comfort of someone in our homes, besides the animal looks disgusting.

Although every day we've been cleaning the house is not possible at home no cockroaches at all. Especially if cleanliness is less cared house will certainly bring cockroaches and other insects.
Of course we also want our houses are not no cockroaches, we also do not know where the cockroach nest is around our homes. For that I will share how to eradicate cockroaches in a simple way.

How to eradicate cockroaches ...

The step is very easy and simple. OK . You know baking soda? For those of you who like to cook cakes certainly know that baking soda as an ingredient for developers in baking. Yach Baking soda is what we use to eradicate cockroaches. Why use baking soda to eradicate cockroaches? Baking soda is a substance containing gas, while the cockroaches can not throw out gas on the body. Well when baking soda is eaten cockroaches and  drinking water will react the baking soda and cause gas, cockroaches can not emit gases that exist in the body and cockroaches will die of gas poisoning of baking soda.

Direction for use :

Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda put on a small plate, add a tablespoon of sugar, mix baking soda and sugar, (why added sugar because cockroaches like sugar / glucose). Put a small plate containing a mixture of baking soda and sugar at the place where cockroaches usually come in. Wait a while then cockroaches will come and  take a mixture of these ingredients, after two or three days  cockroaches will die.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

Saatnya Beralih ke Akses Internet Super Cepat dan Canggih

Pada hari Senin tanggal 20 Februari 2017 diselenggarakannya Gathering dari Telkom di Legend Coffee Kotabaru Yogyakarta. Dalam gathering tersebut telkom memaparkan tentang layanan akses internet super cepat dan canggih.
Layanan yang ditawarkan tersebut adalah IndiHome, Sebelum ada IndiHome Telkom menawarkan layanan akses internet Speedy. Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan kemajuan teknologi juga ditunjang kebutuhan masyarakat yang menginginkan akses internet super cepat dan stabil maka Telkom mengeluarkan layanan akses internet baru sesuai yang diharapkan penngguna internet , IndiHome adalah jawabannya.

IndiHome merupakan layanan Triple Play  dari Telkom yang terdiri dari internet on Fiber atau High Speed Internet, Phone ( telphone rumah ), dan IPTV ( Vsee TV Cable ) beserta beberapa fitur tambahn seperti IndiHome View, Melon dan Trend Micro Security System.

Internet on Fiber atau High Speed Internet
Adalah layanan internet berkecepatan tinngi menggunakan FIBER Optik dari Telkom Indonesia yang memiliki keunggulan lebih cepat. Fiber optik mampu mentransfer data ( bandwitfh ) hingga ratusan Mbps ( jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan kabel coax atau copper ).

Lebih Stabil
Kecepatan Fiber Optik jauh lebih stabil dibandingkan kabel coax atau copper  pada saat dilakukan sharing ( akses internet secara bersamaan ).

Lebih Handal
Fiber optik lebih tahan lama dalam kondisi cuaca apapun seperti serangan petir dan gangguan elektromagnet  dibandingkan kabel coax atau copper, sehingga komputer anda menjadi lebih aman.

Lebih Canggih
Fiber optik merupakan teknologi penghantaran data tercanggih dan terbaru yang digunakan dalam layanan fixed broadband.

Untuk bisa menikmati pilihan layanan akses  internet on fiber atau high speed internet harus sudah ada jaringan Fiber To the Home ( FTTH ) di lokasi tersebut.
Khusus untuk lokasi yang belum terlayani FTTH tetap bisa menikmati layanan High Speed Internet dengan pilihan paket di bawah ini

1.    Telephone Rumah
Layanan komunikasi telephon dengan keunggulan biaya yang lebih murah dan kualitas suarayang jernih. Paket telephon rumah IndiHome menawarkan gratis nelpon 1000 menit lokal maupun interlokal.

2.Vsee TV Cable
Layanan televisi interatif dan personalized  berteknologi internet protokol yang dilengkapi dengan fitur – fitur unggulan :

-       IndiHome View
IndiHome view merupakan layanan inovatif untuk menikmati live camera di mana pengguna dapat menggunakan live access dan recorded video dengan proses instalasi yang sangat mudah menggunakan plug & play IP – cam melalui gadget ( android maupun IOC)

-       Melon
Melon Indonesia adalah portal musik digital yang menyediakan kontent musik local maupun mancanegara .Untuk informasi menarik seputar lagu favorit dapat mengunjungi di www.melon.co,id

-       Tren Micro
Layanan internet security dari telkom untuk pelanggan internet IndiHome dengan aplikasi Tend Micro sebagai platform. Komputer anda akan terlindung dari serangan virus, malware, spyware, spam, phising dan kontent yang tidak layak dari internet sehingga data dan sistem aplikasiterbebas dari gangguan tersebut.

Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017


Definition sexy according to Wikipedia is an adjective to describe a sexually appealing person or thing, primarily referring to physical attractiveness. It may also refer to:
·         Sexual arousal, the arousal of sexual desire, during or in anticipation of sexual activity
·         Sexual attraction, meaning anything which has the ability to attract the sexual or erotic interest of a person

Sexy associated with one's attractiveness, both physically and how to dress or appearance of a person.
Wearing sexy clothes but polite would add to the elegance of a woman and good looking, , as well as men who wear sexy clothes and not vulgar, have sexy appearance will look more handsome and powerful.

Also speaking with sexy words, sexy is meant here is not speaking of sensual rather, but more gentle and polite. speaking with sexy words as it was certainly nice to hear when talking and what is being said to be easily understood by the listener in. Speaking with sexy words at every opportunity to perform speech or communicating with others.

Intention to behave good personality, respect for others, not arrogant can bring themselves according situation and conditions to adjust the circumstance. With good behavior like that then it will be easy to get confidence in others, it is easy to make friends.

So someone dressed sexy, spoken with polit and good behavior will have a lot of friends.