High blood
pressure can affect anyone, especially the elderly over the age of 40 years.
High blood pressure can be caused by several factors as like foods and living
in hard situation.
Foods that contain high cholesterol and too salty foods also influence of high blood pressure. Also the hot food as like pepper and goat meat also increases high blood pressure.
Foods that contain high cholesterol and too salty foods also influence of high blood pressure. Also the hot food as like pepper and goat meat also increases high blood pressure.
People with high blood pressure will have a headache and body discomfort. How to treat high blood pressure? It can use natural ingredients of around us such as herb plants, fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are used to treat high blood pressure that is melon, star fruit, dragon fruit,celery leaf. So herbs are commonly used to treat high blood pressure that is mangosteen derma, tailing leaf. Consume of fruits and vegetables which mentioned above for enough to treat high blood pressure.
Besides that living with feeling happy and peaceful and close to God, avoid stressful thoughts. Therefore people who suffer from high blood pressure to be resolved.