Senin, 28 Februari 2011


We distinguish the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former is the one who makes great demands on himself, and the latter who makes no demands on himself.
( Jose Ortega Y. Gasset )

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Tips to Remove the Fishy Smell

The fishy smell and the kind of its very disturbing our sense of smell so respiration even. The fishy smell on the appliance - household items such as plates ,cups ,pans ,bowls and others, can be removed easily and simply .

You know that the coffee which usually we consumed can overcome or eliminate the fishy smell. I’ve proved myself. To remove fishy smell on the appliance - household items such as plates, cups, bowls, pans are as follows:

Take one tablespoon of real coffee, pour it in cups, plates, bowls, pans that smelled fishy then pour enough water, let leave 10 minutes. Rub the liquid coffee to the entire surface of the plates, cups, bowls and others equally. After that flush with water and wash with dishwashing soap and then rinse again with clean water. Now everything is clean and fishy smell gone.
Please try it!

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


I am standing at the Royal Hotel.
This morning I walked past a room on the first floor.
Suddenly, I heard a woman’s voice.
“Help!” the woman shouted.
Then I heard a man’s voice.
“Don’t move or I will shoot you!” the woman shouted angrily.
“Please don’t shoot me,” the woman cried.
The man laughed. Then I heard a shot.
I knocked at the door loudly.
“Come in,” the woman said softly.
I rushed into the room.
“What’s the matter?” I asked the woman. “Can I help you?”
“Who are you?’ the woman asked angrily.
“I heard a shot,” I said. Are you all right?”
The woman laughed. “Of course I’m all right.
She turned to the man.
“Put your gun in your pocked,” she said.
“What’s happening?” I asked.
“We are not quarreling,” the man said. We are actors. We are learning our parts.”

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

KPK, PPATK Pledge to Join Forces on Money Laundering

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre (PPATK) have signed a memorandum of understanding to seal agreement to work together to prevent and eradicate of money laundering and corruption.
KPK chairman Busyro Muqoddas and PPATK chief Yunis Husein signed the MoU at the KPK headquarters on Friday. The four KPK deputies — M Jassin, Bibit Samad Rianto, Chandra M Hamzah, and Haryono Umar — were also in attendance.
“This memorandum of understanding is a development of the previous memorandum, signed on April 29, 2004. The KPK and PPATK need to broaden each others’ networks for information exchange and the supervision of crimes involving money laundering and corruption,” Busyro Muqoddas said Friday, as quoted by
The amendment of the previous MoU is based on the passing of the 2010 law on anti-money laundering last October 2010.
The institutions could now form a joint taskforce to deal with such crimes.
“Under the new law, the KPK can investigate [cases connected to] the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering (PPPU),” Yunus Husein said.
“The most effective way to eradicate crime is through cooperation,” he said.

Source : The Jakarta Post

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


Langit hitam mendung
Diselingi rintik hujan
Diiringi tiupan angin spoi – spoi basah
Bernafaskan rona senja berkabut

Sesekali terdengar binatang iseng
Yang berbunyi sekehendak hati
Bersembunyi di balik semak belukar
Menambah keheningan suasana

Di bawah naungan gardu
Ku berteduh sambil mendendangkan lagu sendu
Merajut dan merangkai kata – kata cinta
Memadu kasih dengan sang pujaan hati

Kaliurang itu malam
Terlihat sangat angker dan menakutkan
Walaupun di balik semua itu
Terdapat keindahan yang tiada bandingnya

Kaliurang, tak kan lepas dari ingatanku
Akan sebuah kenangan
Antara aku dan dia…..